
What human-grade food is a dog superfood?

We love feeding human-grade food to our pups! So what should and should you not feed your pups?

Safe and Fabulous!

Tapping on the fruits of Mother Nature, here’s whats safe and great for you pup! Think pupper superfood.

  • *Eggs: Great for proteins and amino acids! 2 eggs per week for small dogs and 2 to 4 for larger dogs.
  • *Sardines: Nutritional powerhouses that are great for active dogs. They’re packed with vitamin B12, omega-3 oils, protein, vitamin D and more. Fresh or canned in water are simple and fuss free!
  • Turkey: protein-packed that also provides potassium and essential amino acids.
  • Chicken Feet: Packed full of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health. Feed them raw or freeze dried. Cooked bones are dangerous when splintered.

  • *Bone Broth: Rich in calcium, glucosamine, chondroitin, phosphorous and collagen. Simply boil an assortment of bones (our favourites are chicken feet and bone marrows), add a splash of apple cider to draw minerals out of the bone. Cook for 24 hrs on low heat and voila! Great for fussy dogs and kibble.
  • *Salmon Oil: Chock full of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids this dietary supplement is great for a dog’s immune system, coat, dry skin, dandruff.
  • Coconut Oil: For skin health, digestion, prevent infection etc.
  • *Plain, low fat Yoghurt: Great for digestion, rich in probiotics
  • Tumeric: Anti inflammatory, soothes digestion and fights cancer
  • *Kelp: Great source of sodium, calcium, vitamin A, folic acid and iodine. It’s reported to improve energy, enhance the immune system and some researchers even say that it helps with weight loss.

  • Pumpkins: Low in sodium, high in carotenoids, potassium, vitamin C and more.
  • *Sweet Potatoes: Rich in beta-carotene + boast 150% more antioxidants than blueberries. Filled with heart-healthy vitamin A and vitamin C to keep the immune system strong.
  • Apples: Naturally cleans teeth and freshen its breath too! Packed with nutrients and fiber.
  • Bananas: Full of amino acids, electrolytes, vitamin C and potassium.
  • Carrots: High in beta-carotene which boosts night vision and helps protect eyes against cataracts
  • Blueberries: Loaded with phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They’re high in immune-boosting vitamin C and for brain development.
  • *Broccoli: Boasts cancer-fighting powers, is rich in eye-protecting lutein and is an excellent source of potassium, fiber and calcium.

*Our personal favourites, depending on how fussy your pup is. Incorporate these as treats or meal toppers! Always bear in mind all things in moderation.

Do NOT feed!

There are many great benefits of feeding nature provided foods to dogs! Here’s a list of foods that should not be fed.

  • Chocolate: Contains Theobromine that can be fatal for dogs.
  • Bacon & fatty meat: High in fats, these may cause pancreatitis
  • Processed foods, salty food: May cause sodium ion poisoning.
  • Sugary treats: Contains xylitol that may result in a drop in blood sugar and liver failure.
  • Garlic & onion: Large or regular small doses may lead to anemia
  • Grapes & Raisins: May cause kidney issues like renal failure

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